Come la Next Best Action rivoluziona il Marketing
Avete presente quella bella sensazione quando entrate al bar e il barista sa già cosa prenderete? Oppure meglio ancora ve lo prepara automaticamente nell’istante in cui entrate?
Avete presente quella bella sensazione quando entrate al bar e il barista sa già cosa prenderete? Oppure meglio ancora ve lo prepara automaticamente nell’istante in cui entrate?
Il mondo tech, soprattutto il mondo del design e del development, sono in continuo movimento, in continua crescita. Mode, stili, metodologie, linguaggi di...
Named Entity Recognition (NER) allows you to detect the key elements or words that you are interested in in the texts, documents, slides and even in videos. It...
The 2022 Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Life Science Commercial Operations¹ “provides CIOs with strategy input by tracking maturity levels and adoption rates of key technologies to guide their strategic commercialization planning and investments.”
Dal 1 luglio, Giorgio Pinci supporta Hyntelo come Business Development Advisor. La sua esperienza poliedrica e la sua profonda conoscenza del settore pharma lo rende un partner ideale nell’affiancamento del team del prodotto Lyriko.
Natural language and human speech are some of the most complex and varied kinds of data to handle.
Recommendation systems provide a list of items that users might be interested in, based on their past actions. In other words, they help users to identify the product that they most likely would be interested in or purchase.
Dopo due anni di pandemia sono tornati gli eventi dal vivo, e quelli dedicati al mondo della User Experience non hanno fatto eccezione.
Nowadays a key factor for the success of companies is to understand their customers: what they think and feel. This is crucial when launching a new product...
For years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been successfully used by companies to personalize the customer experience.
Hyntelo (ex Sixth Sense) is proud to announce that it has been ranked among the 1.000 Europe’s fastest-growing companies in 2022 by Financial Times and Statista, for the second year in a row.