Insights - Hyntelo

Hyntelo among the sustainable 'Leader della Crescita' 2021

Written by Hyntelo | Dec 1, 2020 10:00:00 AM

A digital and sustainable economy. This is what emerges from the "Leader della Crescita" 2021 ranking, the ranking drawn up by Statista for Il Sole 24 Ore to measure the increase in SMEs’ revenues over the last three years (2016 to 2019).

If you scroll through the list of the first 450 selected (out of a universe of seven thousand), the picture is clear. There are start-ups and digital scale-ups in the strict sense: systems, software and connections. There are the companies that transform their business, and that of others, from traditional to sustainable: from energy to industry to services. There are the e-commerce companies and the supply chain that revolves around online sales: from logistics, to transport, to delivery.

Hyntelo (ex Sixth Sense) gained 33° place out of 1.000 selected companies.
Definitely a great achievement!

Discover the full ranking here.