Hyntelo named a 2022 Growth Champion by Affari&Finanza and Itqf

Hyntelo (ex Sixth Sense) is proud to announce that it has been classified 23rd in the “Campioni Della Crescita 2022” ranking, the survey conducted by the German Institute for Quality and Finance (Itqf) in partnership with La Repubblica Affari&Finanza.
Of the more than 25,000 Italian companies nominated, only 600 were recognised as “Campioni Della Crescita”, based on the average annual growth generated over the three-year period 2017-2020.
“The analysis recognises the excellence of the Italian economy that, despite a very difficult macroeconomic framework due to the health emergency, records a remarkable development. This is dynamic Italy that, through new technologies, innovations and exports, often at a global level, creates jobs and distributes well-being and wealth throughout the territory,” says Christian Bieker, director of Itqf, Europe’s leading independent institute in the quality survey.
To be included in the 600 Growth Champions, companies had to meet several criteria: they had to have a minimum turnover of €100,000 in 2017 and €1.2 million in 2020; they had to be an independent company with its registered office in Italy and have grown predominantly organically, not having the acquisition of other companies as a business model; and they had to have committed no serious violations. Data on operating results over the three-year period 2017-2020 and the number of employees were also collected, to discard companies with a continuous decline in employment or persistent losses.
“Being among the magnificent 600 is visible and official proof of your business success and at the same time a concrete opportunity to demonstrate your entrepreneurial ability, attract new business opportunities, talent and investors,” concludes Bieker.
Useful links
The complete ranking of the 600 “Champions of Growth” companies