Hyntelo, from Sant’Anna spin-off to Growth Leader

Friday 3rd December was a major day for Hyntelo (ex Sixth Sense). We hosted a double event in Pisa: the official inauguration of our brand-new Tech Hub and a Round Table with speakers from the academic and business world.
The morning was an opportunity to learn about the fascinating story of Hyntelo, started in 2015 as a spin-off of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, and now on the list of 2021 and 2022 growth leaders (sources: Sole24Ore, Financial Times; LaRepubblica).
The company was founded by Gianluca Nastasi and Giacomo Filippo Porzio, two engineers who grew up in the TeCIP Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and Renato Giacobbo Scavo, now president of Sixth Sense and CEO of CrestOptics, who believed in them, recognizing their talent.
Fast-forward from 2015 to today: Sixth Sense unveils a renewed space of 500 square meters, arranged in multiple offices and Academy-style event space, with the prospect of another 25 new hires planned for 2022, who will join the 50+ employees divided between Pisa and Rome.
After the office tour, we organized a Round Table, titled “The role of districts in the technological development of excellence in Italy, to be competitive at a global level”. We were interested in discussing how universities, companies and entrepreneurs can promote, together, the development of the territories in which they operate.
In order to do so, the participants who attended the Round Table were:
• Sabina Nuti, Rector of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa;
• Marco Frey, Pro-rector of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa;
• Antonello Carlucci, CEO of I-RFK.
• Giacomo Filippo Porzio, CEO of Sixth Sense;
• Moderator: Renato Giacobbo Scavo, Chairman Sixth Sense.
In the end, the morning was a great moment of connection and celebration, and the very first public event hosted in the Tech Hub’s Academy. But it definitely won’t be the last!
Below are listed some of the online newspapers that covered our event: